Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

6 Things to do to Prepare for The Future.

Juni 2016 - You can click on a phone in which you're interested to read the full review, see example photos from the camera, and check out the benchmark results. And if you're ready to buy one, check out our best phone deals to make sure you find the best price. Talking About Insurance, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about Juni 2016, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Little by little long into Hill. the bottom line do phase out and one by one. For details refer to the following tips:

1. no need to try everything at once
Every turn of the year there is always the temptation to change almost all of the things, but don't fall for it! You will gain a higher success rate in one or two things compared to the list of sins that can reach tens of. Do individual commandments themselves later, anyway you can still add up if the change is successful a one-two result.

2. Recite carefully
Don't force yourself (unconsciously) to comply with the resolution, because it ituhanya kan triggers stress that will finally make the intention of starting something new failed miserably. We suppose that your intention this year is trying more being impatient at others. Don't think, "this year I have to be patient" because it seems You impose yourself to sesabar possible. Perhaps it would be better if you approach became, "this year I will try to use some powerful way to practice patience."

3. Did the planning
When you're getting a resolution where you want to do this year, try to describe it in detail. No one managed to run something by doing it all at once, which happens later in fact You disappointed and cancelled the intention to change. The plan does not have to be complicated, an important intention you can be lebihkuat to run it.
For relaxation, you can try the following ways:
a) open-open a magazine or internet site to find out a variety of relaxation techniques.
b) Create list of relaxation techniques that you should know and would like to try.
c) select one of the techniques of meditation or self hypnosis for example and try one for each month.
d) try different techniques each month until you find something you like.

4. write in a paper
In order to always keep that in mind at all times, write down what things you want to do in the coming year (and not previously been done) as well as the steps konkretnya. If it needs to be put in places that are easily visible so that You always remember, for example, at the door of the fridge. It will also make it easier for You when you want to modify at any time the resolution along with the passage of time.

5. education alone is not enough
Do not easily satisfied with the knowledge that you achieved in formal education/formal, after plunging into the community a lot of science that you need that it was not studied in the schools. Find the place that you are motivated to continue to search for a non formal skills more.

6. Do together
Do not ever think to go forward on its own. You are certainly difficult to achieve success relying on oneself only. Use a collaboration that supports success together

How to Prepare a Brighter Future

Juni 2016 - You can click on a phone in which you're interested to read the full review, see example photos from the camera, and check out the benchmark results. And if you're ready to buy one, check out our best phone deals to make sure you find the best price. Talking About Insurance, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about Juni 2016, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

He said, now more difficult. Really? Yeah anyway, hehehe .... Because not only the proof of a number who mentioned that the number of people or poor families in Indonesia has increased, and the increasingly high number of penngangguran, we have also emak-emak as already feeling his immediate evidence. The price of all goods soared, from start up to tempe, tofu, meat, chicken and fish. If the price of the perfume, clothes etc are already first ngibrit leave us I.

Then, whether we are resigned to a situation like this? How the fate of our offspring in the future? Without us, they live more ' difficult ' from us?

Aaah, boro-boro make nabung, create everyday just less, an awful lot of emak-emak moan like that, and that was they can still be laughing-ketiwi while shopping at vegetable artisan now say that while debt bills list receive manyun is due from the artisan vegetable. Want to get paid, the baseball face vegetable artisan already unsightly baseball at all, want to get paid, duitnya not there yet. The fate ... fate ...

I think, and indeed should, there are to be addressed. There are to be reorganized for the sake of the future bright and better welfare. It's not just the issue of financial planning which should be reorganized, but also our lives completely. There was no word late to review this issue again, let sit both with couples, talking quietly and kept in conditions as comfortable as possible. All for the sake of a brighter future.

At least, there are six ways to prepare a brighter future, according to an I lho.

Make DreamBoard and reorganized the Intention

What the heck was that? DreamBoard It is instead a habitual MLM people? Yes correct. I can also be a science about DreamBoard it while still active in MLM. And ... used up to now. DreamBoard is sort of sheet of paper/board/book that contains semuaaa of our desires, our goals both short term, medium and panjaaang who want to and we must achieve.

Included in that yes there are pictures of her DreamBoard people who want us to live, there are our children, our spouses, parents. Younger brother-older sister, best friend, Assistant, and the people around us. May also contain stuff that we want to have, there are houses, cars, gadgets, or jewelry. Can also post our holiday destinations along with couples or families, plans to go on Hajj or ' umrah. Other plans could also be included for example the tomb of his grandfather in kampung Restorer, building boarding schools in the village behind, or build houses in transit for Feral cats. Semuaaaa tumpahkan in the DreamBoard. Don't be afraid to dream big, because it was all so triggers the spirit for us to work better. That which exists in the DreamBoard is the reason we do a job. They are WHY we are.

Saucy heck we make DreamBoard with spouse (husband/wife if boyfriend hell Nah, it would not necessarily need to be so or baseball). Then we niatkan together with the powerful. If you think Mr. Erbe Sentanu in his book "Quantum Sincere" that there are several stages of prayer okay, i.e. to draw/imagine clearly what we want, afirmasikan/stated in the form of prayer and a strong intention, ikhlaskan to God, do not forget to say thank you that what we wanted was achieved.

Repeat the process of praying and strong intention as above. Because why? That prayer is not just that we say why, but it's also what we think, we feel, and we imagine. So be careful with our prayers. SIP.

Manage your career and our finances

DreamBoard and intent baseball will sound if there is no ACTION. Ya udah. Done deh tuh. Let's see more careers or our business at this time. Already tepatkah? Don't we already on track? What is perceived in the career/business?

Have we work hard, be smart, and thoroughly sincere in career/business? Sure? If there's baseball passion, rather difficult questions are answered, you know this. Seriously.

Nah everyone had the same success track. The A successful as a banker. SI B not necessarily. The C a success in MLM, the D in the sale of hijab. The E success in writing, the F success in open catering, for example. Let's not denouncing the choice of other people's success. We'd better focus on how successful our style. Don't tell me, others baseball savvy because baseball took the same path as we are. Who knew he was more successful and we should start again from the beginning.

Then have we manage finances wisely for the future better? Mentang mentang don't-new ride salary continued wasteful all purchased kayak OKB. Have we maintain an attitude of simple and not luxuriate in? A simple baseball means tacky lho ya. Simple but classy. Nah everyone can buy ' style ', although he is very rich. But there are also people who appear interesting with its simplicity.